Impact of Giving 2022-23

Every year we face expenditure far greater than the income from academic fees and our endowment can provide for. Without support from donors the level of academic and pastoral care that is so distinctive to Trinity Hall would not be possible. Thank you for your support!

What makes the difference to so many Trinity Hall students is often the direct result of philanthropy – whether it is a bursary for an undergraduate so they don’t have to experience financial concerns; a studentship for a postgraduate, enabling them to come to Cambridge; or the ability to expand our extra-curricular activities to help students’ wellbeing. Your gift makes a difference to the community and continued financial pressures in the education sector means the generosity of donors is more important than ever.

Portrait photograph of a man in glasses. He is Tim Harvey-Samuels, Bursar at Trinity Hall in Cambridge.
Tim Harvey-Samuel


“Supporting the collegiate system and teaching through supervisions is essential, not only for educating the next generation of students, but also for continuing Cambridge’s intellectual contribution to solving the challenges facing the world today.”

We had 1,045 alumni donors, and 3 new academic prizes endowed in 2022/23. Here’s your support in numbers:

  • £696K spent on postgraduate studentships
  • £155,717 spent on Cambridge Bursaries
  • £2,765 was the average value of a bursary awarded
  • 93 undergraduates received a Cambridge Bursary, ranging from £100–£3,500
  • 55 students received the maximum Cambridge Bursary
  • 17 students received the education premium (extra £1,000 per year for those who were on free school meals)

According to a University of Cambridge survey, 90% of undergraduates who receive a Cambridge Bursary said it helped them focus on their studies:

“Coming from a first-generation family with no financial means makes Cambridge a daunting financial experience. I am incredibly grateful for your generosity and kindness as your donation reduces those financial worries significantly.”

-NatSci undergraduate student, 2020

“Receiving the studentship has made an immeasurable difference to my time at Cambridge – I would have not been able to embark on the course without it.”

-MPhil in History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine student, 2022

Student using monkey-bars

Sports and physical activity

The funds received also allowed us to purchase two new sculls for the Boat Club, and to install an outdoor trim trail at Wychfield. It includes six pieces of equipment spaced around the playing fields – apparatus for specific exercises such as sit ups and chin ups, gate and rope climb, as well as monkey and parallel bars. The pandemic demonstrated just how important physical activity is to wellbeing. Our aim is to ensure we offer our students opportunities and resources to enable them to enjoy the benefits of exercise.

Events and networking

Trinity Hall’s PaTHways Careers Events and Mentoring Programme thrived in 2023. Thanks to the support of our alumni and friends, our commitment to our students’ futures reached new heights. At a time when job competition is more intense than ever, we expanded our initiatives providing careers support to our students.

We remain committed to helping undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as postdoctoral researchers thrive. In 2022/23, we offered a plethora of online and in-person events, thanks to the involvement of alumni:

  • 7 seminar-style events
  • 1 mentoring programme
  • 12 individual CV writing and editing sessions

Currently with 2,607 registered members, LinkHall – the Trinity Hall online community – continues to play a pivotal role in connecting students with postdocs and alumni for informal careers advice and mentorship. Over half of registered users are willing to offer careers advice. A big thank you to all who’ve provided support and shared their expertise with our students and researchers.

The Nicholson Careers Evening 2023 was attended by 53 undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as postdocs. The panel discussion with four panellists of different professional areas was followed by dinner in the Dining Hall – when the attendees had the opportunity to chat with the participating Trinity Hall alumni and ask for their advice. This event is made possible through a donation from the Nicholson Family in honour of Nick Nicholson.

Thanks to your collective generosity, we can continue to offer the level of academic and pastoral care that makes College distinct.

If you wish to learn more about how you can get involved, please contact