Open Days, Events and Visits

Upcoming events

Mathematics Open Day

Trinity Hall will be open for visitors to drop in any time from 10.30am to 12.30pm on Saturday 3 May 2025. There will be an information stand, Maths DOSs and a member of the Admissions team, and visitors may look round the College grounds.

University Open Days, 10 and 11 July

The University runs two Open Days in July each year, where prospective applicants and their parents or supporters can visit the colleges and departments. Due to their popularity, advance booking is required.

The 2025 July Open Days will take place on Thursday 10 July and Friday 11 July, with booking opening at the end of April.

There is also a September Open Day run by the University, which will be Friday 12 September.


Other events this year

Subject Webinars

Trinity Hall runs a series of Subject Webinars each year to offer students, parents and supporters insight into the different courses offered at Cambridge. A member of Trinity Hall teaching staff will lead the session and student ambassadors are also on hand to help answer questions regarding student experience.

Past events have included Natural Sciences, History, Linguistics and other subjects. Please check back for future dates in other subjects.

Subject Open Days

We also host two annual open days at Trinity Hall – one for Sciences, and one for Arts & Humanities – during which attendees have the chance to experience sample lectures, ask questions to current undergraduate students, and meet the Directors of Studies in their subject of interest. The 2025 Subject Open Days took place on the 24th and 25th February.

Prospective applicants are always welcome to visit us at Trinity Hall. For more information about visiting, see below. For more information about events offered at other colleges and across the wider university, please visit the University events listing page.

Attendance at our events is not a requirement to apply to Trinity Hall. Those who apply without having attended one of these events are not at a disadvantage.



In-Person Visits to Trinity Hall

Visiting Trinity Hall

Trinity Hall is open to prospective applicants and other visitors, even beyond official Open Days. Please check in at the Porters’ Lodge, and you will be free to walk around the grounds. Further information can be found on our Contact or Visit Us page.

Visitors with Disabilities

Please let us know in advance if there is anything we can do to make your visit easier by emailing the Access and Recruitment Officer.

Event Travel Funds

The Open Day Travel Fund assists young people who are in care and care leavers with travel to open days organised by the University of Cambridge. Further information is available on the University website.

Trinity Hall also offers travel funding to our outreach events for those who meet certain widening participation criteria, for travel by standard-class train. To check your eligibility for funding for a specific event, please email the Access and Recruitment Officer.

Occasionally, we may have a few spare rooms available on Open Days for those visiting the university who would benefit from travelling and staying overnight. Again, please email the Access and Recruitment Officer to discuss your situation. Priority will be given to those with Widening Participation flags and those who have to travel a considerable distance domestically to attend.

Super Curricular Resources

Going beyond what you learn at school and engaging with super-curricular resources is a great way to develop your knowledge of your subject and demonstrate your passion at interview.

Watch this video to learn more about super-curricular resources.