- UCAS Code: V500 BA/Ph
- Campus Code: 4
- Duration: 3 years
- Places per year: 1-2
Philosophy explores human thought, the basis of knowledge, the nature of reason, consciousness and cognition, as well as the foundations of value and political theory. Its questions are intriguing and its study requires complex critical thinking, rigorous analysis and consideration of new perspectives.
Our approach emphasises the values of the analytic school: rigour, clarity and independent thought. But its content extends well beyond the analytic tradition and its main preoccupations. For instance, we currently offer papers on Greek and Roman, and early modern philosophy, as well as political philosophy and aesthetics.

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Course Overview
During the first year you’ll get a solid grounding in some of the central areas of analytic philosophy and history of philosophy.
You’ll then have more freedom to explore your interests, in areas such as:
- ethics
- aesthetics
- ancient philosophy
- formal logic
- philosophy of science
- metaphysics

How You Learn
Teaching is provided through lectures, with additional classes for some subjects, such as first year Logic classes.
You will also have small-group supervisions, for which you’ll do topical reading and write an essay which you then discuss with your supervisor.
Typically you’ll have 6 to 12 lectures, and 1 to 3 supervisions and/or small classes each week.
Assessments mainly take place through written examinations.
In year 2 and 3 you can replace one written examination with two essays of 3,000 to 4,000 words.
In year 3 you can replace one written examination with a dissertation of 6,000 to 8,000 words on a subject of your choice.

Entry Requirements
Minimum Offer Level
A-Level: A*AA
IB Diploma: 41-42 points, with 776 at Higher Level
Other: See the University’s Entry Requirements page
Subject Requirements
While we don’t ask for any specific subjects to apply to Philosophy, we would recommend certain subjects for a strong application:
- Mathematics
- Religious Studies
- Philosophy
- English (language or literature)
- History
- Languages (ancient or modern)

Admissions Process
Written Work
None required.
Admissions Assessment
There is no written admissions assessment for this subject.
Two interviews of around 25 minutes each.

Philosophy at Trinity Hall
Trinity Hall has a thriving philosophy community, for both Fellows and students. Dr Marcus Tomalin acts as Director of Studies for the first-year students, and Dr Neil Dewar acts as Director of Studies for the second- and third-years. Dr Tomalin and Dr Dewar supervise all the first-year papers between them, so get to know students well during that year. As students progress, they are likely to continue being supervised by Dr Tomalin, Dr Dewar, or other Trinity Hall fellows such as Dr Louis Klee; however, supervisors from outside the college will often be used too.
In addition to formal supervisions, there is a student-run Trinity Hall Philosophy Society, and termly meetings of the FD Maurice Society (a philosophical and theological discussion group, run by Dr Dewar and Dr Stephen Plant). We also aim to have a yearly gathering in Easter term of all students and fellows interested in philosophy.
Listen to a podcast episode of Dr Dewar discussing some topics in the philosophy of logic and mathematics.

Suggested Resources
If you’re thinking of applying to study Philosophy and haven’t already done so, we strongly advise you to do some reading about the subject to get a realistic idea of what it’s like. For example:
- S Blackburn Think
- R Descartes Meditations
- D Hume Enquiries
- J S Mill Utilitarianism
- B Russell Problems of Philosophy
Please see the Faculty website for further suggestions.