- UCAS Code: L700 BA/G
- Campus Code: 4
- Duration: 3 years
- Places per year: 1-2
We know that some of the most pressing issues facing the globe in the 21st century are complex and interwoven: from environmental crisis to unprecedented migration flows; from international development to the nature of global urbanism. Geographers, with expertise across the natural and social sciences, are at the vanguard of confronting these issues. The Geography Department at Cambridge – celebrating its centennial year in 2019 – has always led global geographical debate, whether through its path-breaking work on polar ice sheets, its world-leading research into concerns of international development, its climate modelling or recent studies of the nature of citizenship in urban slums or in the wake of violent conflict.

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Course Overview
Geographers study some of the biggest challenges facing our planet. This course tackles a number of these, including:
- climate and biodiversity emergencies
- pandemics
- globalisation
- social inequalities
- urbanisation
- volcanoes
- melting ice sheets

How You Learn
The degree allows you to study both human and physical geography, although you can choose to specialise in one of these areas from the second year.
You typically have six to eight lectures each week (with associated reading), as well as practicals, laboratory work and field classes. In addition, you normally have three supervisions a fortnight at which you discuss a topic beyond the material given at lectures, usually based on reading, essay writing, preparation of presentations or answering data response questions.
Besides lectures and small-group teaching, the Department organises laboratory work, field classes and seminars. Fieldwork is an important part of the course and there are one-day trips organised as well as week-long residential courses held in the Easter and summer vacations. You will be given every opportunity to mix with students and teachers from other colleges, in addition to the contacts you make at Trinity Hall.

Entry Requirements
Minimum Offer Level
A-Level: A*AA
IB Diploma: 41-42 points, with 776 at Higher Level
Other: See the University’s Entry Requirements page
Subject Requirements
There are no specific subject requirements, but studying Geography at A level/IB Higher Level is desirable.

Admissions Process
Written Work
None required.
Admissions Assessment
We do not require a written assessment for this subject.
Two interviews of around 25 minutes each.