How to Apply
Postgraduate Applications
Once you have decided which course to apply for, and checked that you meet the entry requirements, you would normally then apply via the University’s Applicant Portal.
Your application is firstly assessed by the relevant department or faculty. After an offer has been made, it is then passed on to the colleges in the order you specified on the College preference section. If a College has a space, you will be offered membership.
We generally admit 80 to 90 postgraduates each academic year at Trinity Hall.
How does the College process applications?
Applications are received electronically from the University Postgraduate Admissions Office, from students who have put Trinity Hall as one of their preferred Colleges. The application is assessed by a Director of Studies in the applicant’s subject and/or by the Postgraduate Tutor, and decisions are made on the basis of academic merit. The applicant is informed of the outcome via the Applicant Portal.
Does the College consider applications from members of other Cambridge Colleges?
Yes, we welcome applications from members of other Colleges who are intending to start a new postgraduate course.
What is the deadline for applying for membership?
The application must be assessed by your Department before it is sent to Colleges, so you should check the deadline for your chosen course. Funding deadlines may also apply. The College usually starts to fill up for certain courses around March.
What funding opportunities does the College have?
Please see our Postgraduate Studentships page.
Does the College provide accommodation?
Please see our Accommodation page.
What support/facilities are available for families and partners?
Trinity Hall has accommodation suitable for students with partners, consisting of twelve self-contained flats at the Wychfield site. Unfortunately we are unable to house families with children.
The College welcomes permanent resident partners of postgraduate students and recognises a partner as a full member of the MCR (and makes no charge). We try to be as understanding and as accommodating as possible but would ask for the following few conditions to be met:
- That your partner live with you in Cambridge
- That your partner not be a member of another College
- That you ‘register’ your partner with the Postgraduate Tutorial Office via email
Do you have a College Prospectus?
Yes – please see our Prospectus page.
May I visit the College and do I need to make an appointment?
Yes, you are welcome to visit the College during normal opening hours – please contact the Porter’s Lodge (01223 332500) for more information.

Visiting PhD Students
Visiting PhD students, who will typically also have some affiliation with a Cambridge faculty, may apply for honorary membership of the MCR. Honorary membership is usually for one or two terms only. The College hosts a maximum of ten honorary members at any one time. For further information please contact Clare Kerr, Postgraduate Officer.
Applications for honorary membership of the MCR may be made at any time of year, and must include a covering letter, CV and two references, sent FAO Clare Kerr, Postgraduate Officer, The Tutorial Office, Trinity Hall, Cambridge CB2 1TJ.