Widening Participation

You'll Fit In
Trinity Hall is hosting a series of webinars and a residential for students in Year 12 who are considering applying to Cambridge University and who belong to one of the following ethnicity categories:
- Black or Black British – African
- Black or Black British – Caribbean
- Other Black background
- Mixed – White and Black African
- Mixed – White and Black Caribbean
- Other mixed background (to include Black African, Black Caribbean or Black Other)
- Arab
- Asian or Asian British – Pakistani
- Asian or Asian British – Bangladeshi
- Mixed – White and Asian (to include Pakistani or Bangladeshi)
We recognise that some underrepresented backgrounds at the University of Cambridge do not fall into these categories. Therefore, we welcome students from other ethnic backgrounds that are underrepresented to apply and they will be given the opportunity to give us further details on the application form.
Academic criteria
Applicants should have achieved a minimum of five Grades 9-7 (A or A*) at GCSE and feel able to or have the potential to achieve the A*AA or A*A*A needed for their chosen course at Cambridge.

The Waymarkers Programme
We are keen to work with UK-based schools with Year 10 and 11 students who identify as being Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, Showmen, or Boater. As part of the programme, we will
- visit schools to speak to the students there, with sessions for members of their families too
- organise trips to Trinity Hall so that the students can experience life in Cambridge
- organise webinars to provide advice about how to prepare for university (e.g., how to make good A-Level choices)
Cambridge from the Inside
Trinity Hall have launched an exciting new podcast on Outreach and Admissions called ‘Cambridge from the Inside’. Tune in for discussions going through admissions advice and what life is like as a Cambridge student – featuring interviews with current students, admissions tutors and academics. Episodes such as ‘Admissions FAQs’, ‘Personal Statements’, and ‘What to write in the MyCapp’ can already be found on the podcast. You can find the podcast on YouTube, Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

College Area Links Scheme
As part of the University of Cambridge’s Area Links Scheme, each college has been allocated an area to focus its Widening Participation efforts on, to build sustained relationships between the college and schools in the region.
Trinity Hall accordingly works with the South West Local Authorities of:
- Bath and North East Somerset
- Bristol
- North Somerset
- Somerset
- South Gloucestershire
Tailored events, visits and resources are available to schools in our Link Area. If you are a student or a teacher at one of these schools looking to find out more, please get in touch with the Access & Recruitment Officer.