Keep in the Loop

A woman relaxing against a tree with earphones on. She is sat on Latham Lawn, an area for students, staff and Fellows of Trinity Hall

How do I keep in the know?

The best way to keep in touch and find out what’s going on is to:

  • Follow the College’s social media accounts (see the foot of the page for links)
  • Sign up to LinkHall and join the ‘StudentHub’ group where posts will appear in your news feed with exciting updates
  • If you have joined LinkHall, download our app!
  • Check the Student Hub regularly
  • Check the listings and messages from other channels managed by the Alumni Rep (JCR) or by the Alumni & Development Rep on the MCR Committee

What is the Alumni & Development Office and what do they do?

The Alumni and Development Office is responsible for communicating and building lifetime relationships with all members of the College, by producing annual publications, running an events programme, and for fundraising to support the Trinity Hall community to name but a few. Our fundraising efforts directly benefit the current student body. However, little known to many, we do offer a great deal to the entire student body while they are in residence. These include:

  • providing a Careers Network where students and alumni can contact each other for advice, informal mentoring and even internships and placements. We can also put you in touch with alumni in specific fields. The network can be found on the intranet here.
  • running Careers Events, in conjunction with our reps on the JCR and MCR Committees, including our annual Careers Evening in November and smaller bespoke events and workshops where required.
  • offering funding for Clubs & Societies and encouraging alumni involvement in events.
  • running the Friends of Trinity Hall Society which will allow your Parents/Guardians to become more involved in College life.
  • running more than 30 events each year many of which current students are invited to attend.
  • offering paid job opportunities and work experience in the form of our annual telephone campaign (a.k.a a Telethon) and summer roles in the Development Office.
  • helping publicise your events around the University and beyond.

If you would like to find out more, please find us at the JCR Freshers Fayre at the beginning of Michaelmas term, email us or visit us on I staircase.