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01 Jan 2024

The next decade of estate planning

In July 2023 the College approved an Estate Masterplan representing the culmination of a year-long exercise with our chosen architects, Haworth Tompkins, and environmental consultants, Expedition.

I am enormously grateful to Glen Sharp, who, as Junior Bursar, has led the very considerable internal work in assembling the plan. The Estate Masterplan aims to:

  • set out the key challenges and opportunities facing
    the College in its Estate management and define
    consequent priorities,
  • optimise facilities and layout for the Central, Wychfield and Thompson’s Lane sites,
  • reduce carbon emissions across the estate by maximising
    our use of renewable energy sources and improving the
    fabric of our buildings
  • and present early design proposals in response to the
    overall Masterplan findings.
Image of Latham court. A group of students stand in the back left corner.

The Masterplan exercise has involved iterative consultation involving students, operational staff and Fellows to build consensus around an exciting vision for Trinity Hall’s future which will underpin much of our planning and fundraising over the next decade. It celebrates the physical and experiential identity of the College, recognising the intimate scale, diverse architecture, and characterful gardens that combine to make it “the prettiest corner of the world” to Henry James and many others. The study is underpinned by a holistic approach to sustainability that addresses opportunities for energy efficiency and de-carbonisation, as well as the potential for ecological and social enhancements across the Estate.