Modern and Medieval LanguagesFellow type
Staff FellowPhone number
Staff Fellow; Fellow Archivist and Librarian; Director of Studies in MML and History & Modern Languages; Professor of Medieval Iberian Lterary and Cultural Studies
Fellow and Professor of Medieval Iberian Literary and Cultural Studies, Louise Haywood previously taught at the University of St Andrews before taking up her post in 2000. She has been Vice-President of Women in Spanish and Portuguese Studies, and Honorary Secretary of the Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland, during which time she was actively involved in lobbying on behalf of hispanists. She is active in a number of professional organizations dedicated to the Hispanic world and to medievalism.
Research Interests
Louise Haywood’s research interests lie in medieval Iberian literature and culture, on which she has published extensively. Her current interests focus on space, the visual, the body, and humour in the fourteenth century. These areas raise questions relating to the ideological mechanisims of power and the tension between authority and truancy. She has also worked extensively on fifteenth century sentimental romance, and modern and medieval translation and practice.
Teaching Interests
Lectures on many aspects of medieval Iberian literature and culture across the MML tripos in Spanish, and teaches translation into English at Part II; in the MPhil modules on Hispanic culture she offers seminars on gender and authority in the Iberian Middle Ages.
Areas of Research Supervision
Louise Haywood has supervised both in St Andrews and in Cambridge across a range of areas. Her PhD candidates have worked on death and dying in the 15th century, masculinity in the Spanish ballad, and treachery in Medieval and Golden Age epic legend. Current students are working on hagiography and the comic tale.
Chief Publications
- Sex, Scandal, and Sermon in the Fourteenth Century: Juan Ruiz’s ‘Good Love’s Book’ (New York, expected December 2007).
- edited, with Louise O. Vasvári, A Companion to the ‘Libro de Buen Amor’ (Woodbridge, 2004)
- edited, Culture Contexts / Female Voices (London, 2000)
- The Lyrics of the ‘Historia troyana polimétrica’ (London, 1996)
- Thinking Spanish Translation, with Sándor Hervey and Ian Higgins (London, 1996); revised edition in preparation with M. P. Thompson (University of Durham)