MedicineFellow type
Fellow Commoner in Medicine; University Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Department of Psychiatry; National Clinical Advisor on Gambling Harms; Vice-President, Royal Society of Medicine
After her medical degree at Pavia University she moved to the UK permanently to study psychiatry and qualifying with MRCPsych I and II as well as a CCST in Addictions and an Doctorate in Medicine in the field of Neuroscience form Imperial College.
Having started as an SHO at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital on the Charing Cross Psychiatry Rotation, she went on to the Higher Training as Specialist Registrar on the St Mary’s and Charing Cross Psychiatry Rotation.
Before studying Medicine Henrietta graduated in Social Psychology obtaining her ( BA Hons) at the University of Kent at Canterbury in 1985. ( Having turned down a place to study Psychology at St Andrew’s University in 1982 that same year she chose the University of Kent for its social science approach which she preferred)
The degree in psychology inspired her to study Medicine realising psychology was not evidence based enough for her own approach to studying the mind.
Her subsequent acceptance on the Charing Cross Senior House Officer Psychiatry rotation following her medical degree was very much due to the three years of her Psychology degree as arriving as a mature student proved of interest to the interview panel.
Dates of examinations and registration numbers :
21st October 1996 Medical School degree Pavia University ,Italy ( 1st class degree)
Royal College of Psychiatrists Membership 1 jan 2002 ( having successfully passed both Part I and Part II exams)
Fellowship of the Royal College of Psychiatrists: 1 st January 2015 Sept 2002 to October 2008 Doctorate in Medicine ( MD Res Imperial ) in the field of Neuroscience (Imperial College) on the topic : “Orbitofrontal Cortex Impairment as indicator of early relapse in Alcohol Dependency” Prof Eileen Joyce was the Imperial College supervisor.