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Written by:
Paul Holland
18 Mar 2022

Trinity Hall’s newest addition, the WongAvery Music Gallery, has been highly commended for the craft skills that went into its creation and for being one of the best new buildings this year.

The commendations came at the first Greater Cambridge Design and Construction Awards – which celebrate the best in ‘placemaking’, design and craft skills locally.

The ceremony was held at Frankopan Hall at Jesus College at the University of Cambridge on Wednesday night (16 March).

The evening began with presentations from the shortlisted candidates, showcasing their submissions.

The WongAvery Music Gallery was highly commended in the Best New Building Over £2million category and the Craftsmanship category.

Glen Sharp, Trinity Hall’s Junior Bursar, said: “It has been a huge pleasure to work alongside the consultant and construction team both during the design and the construction of this beautiful building.

“Although only one room, the vision to create this building inside an existing Cambridge court, whilst at the same time meeting the precise acoustic requirements of a music performance space, has been a very enjoyable journey (if challenging at times). It will be a jewel in the College’s estate for many years.”

Avery Court was transformed in 2021 by the addition of the WongAvery Music Gallery, a state-of-the-art musical recital and rehearsal space.

Niall McLaughlin explained his vision for the building as the architect in 2021:

“The single room placed in the middle of the court is a composition of cubic forms made entirely from stone. It is both a study of the tectonic and expressive capacity of one material and a finely calibrated instrument to produce the right combination of temperature, humidity, reverberation, openness, privacy and light for the musicians who will use it.”

This week’s awards are endorsed by the Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service, a partnership between Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire District Councils, along with the Cambridge Forum for the Construction Industry (CFCI).

With thanks to the Avery-Tsui Foundation for their generous support. Image credit: David Valinsky.