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Written by:
Kathryn Martin-Chambers
29 Jun 2020

On Saturday 27 June Trinity Hall held an online celebration for the graduands of 2020. The year group joined us on LinkHall, our online community platform, from midday for a series of videos, messages from Fellows, staff and alumni, and a virtual leavers’ service. You can watch some of the videos below.

101 Trinity Hall students graduated in absentia (receiving your degree without attending a ceremony) this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Trinity Hall through the eyes of a drone

A message from the Acting Vice-Master

A message from the Senior Tutor

A message from the Praelector

Virtual Graduation programme

Saturday 27 June 2020

12.00pm Drone footage

12.05pm Vice-Chancellor’s message

12.10pm Acting Vice-Master’s message

12.14pm Senior Tutor’s message

12.17pm Praelector’s message

12.25pm Freps video

12.33pm Congratulations video from Fellows

12.51pm Congratulations video from staff

12.56pm Virtual Old Library video tour

01.00pm Leavers’ service

01.30pm Messages from alumni

01.35pm GradVid 2020