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Written by:
Paul Holland
16 Nov 2022

An unassuming cardboard box in the Porters’ Lodge reveals the generosity of spirit of Trinity Hall’s hard-working students.

This box has been left there to collect gloves for the homeless this winter.  An initiative set up by student group Embrace, that acts as a liaise between local charities and students. Trinity Hall’s Pavlos Karampoulas, a second-year medic, is a member of the group.

Pavlos works hard but says it’s important to him to do good beyond his studies: “I said to myself that this year I would ‘make time for the things worth making time for’. And I think it is important to support the vulnerable. There’s a QR code on the box if you don’t have gloves to donate: it takes you to Amazon where you can buy gloves for the initiative.”

Of Greek parentage Pavlos has lived in Greece and Cyprus but moved to the UK a few years ago.

With two parents who were engineers Pavlos was always going to do something academic, and Pavlos decided on medicine after his family experienced the tragic loss of two Grandparents within 3 months. Seeing how medical professionals can impact on such situations he decided he wanted to be a doctor.

“I want to help people in real life and that’s what I think at the moment in my studies: I don’t think I want to go into academia but to work somewhere in the world directly helping others.”

Like many students he works hard to fit in exercise alongside his academic studies and charity work. Pavlos is a keen footballer and is part of the Trinity Hall Football (@tithallfc) team who, after being relegated to the third division last season, are enjoying a flurry of victories this season.

The charity glove box will be in the Porters’ Lodge until November 24 after which Embrace plan to organise a food drive.