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Trinity Hall
24 Apr 2023

Trinity Hall Boathouse Manager and Rowing Coach Paul Townshend looks back at the week’s rowing as Easter Term begins.

“Trinity Hall Boat Club returned for its now traditional pre-term training camp with students and coaches being greeted by a Cam under glorious sunny skies. This meant that excellent mileage could be achieved on the water while fitness was kick-started in the gym and on the ever-popular erg! As hands became steadily accustomed to handles and bodies settled into regular sessions the mood was hugely positive with the feeling of being ‘one club’ was once again there for all to see.

“A super week was rounded off by both the Senior Men and the Senior Women being victorious at the Head of the Cam event on the final day of the camp. Mention should also be made of the ‘W2’ boat that raced time-only as a result of a substitution into the crew, meaning they could not enter their intended event. The progress this crew made over the week, the race they rowed and the time they posted was testament to the efforts and commitment made by all those involved and bodes well for the future.

“The camp proved to be an excellent start to our final term of the academic year and all of us now look to continue to build on these foundations as we look towards the Mays!

“Thanks must go to all that made the past week as successful as it was – students, coaches, Alumni and members of the wider College community.

“THBC remains a wonderful place to be. Row Hall!”