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07 Feb 2018

A Repertorium (of subjects treated in the Bible) (partial)

B Third Book of Decretals (partial)

1. Description by M. R. James

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C. M. A. 2179. 6.

Paper, 111/2 x 81/2, ff. 130 + 4, 34 lines to a page.

Cent. xiv late, clearly written.

At top of f. I (xv): Repertorium imperfectum.

At the end on a black ground is a crescent ermine and a Maltese cross above.

It has been conjectured that the book is one of those given to the College by

Bp Bateman, either the Repertorium Tusculani or the Liber Concordantiarum

Biblie magnus et pulcher or the Liber Concordantiarum Biblie minor et portabilis.

At the end are 4 leaves of a vellum MS. (part of the third book of the Decretals,

containing the beginning of the book): of cent. xiii in double columns.


(1st quire gone), 112 (wants 1-3) 212-1112 (wants 12) [quires gone] 1212 a4.

Contents :

Repertorium (alphabetical, of topics treated in the Bible). Begins imperfectly

undantis ad animorum irrigacionem.

The first complete article is Castitas

Felix castitas que habet decorari speciositatis.

There is a gap between S and X.

Ends with Zona

Ista zona nos dignetur cingere Christus del filius benedictus qui cum patre et sp. s.

unus verus deus uiuit et regnat in sec. sec. Amen. Explicit.

One blank leaf.


2. Supplementary Description

Language: A Latin

B Latin

Origin: A England

B England

Date: A 14th c., ca. 1325 – 1375

B 13th c., ca. 1250 – 1300

Material: A Paper. Watermarks; crossbow, with triangle at front, c.f. Briquet no. 705 (fols. 1 – 130); clover-leaf on long stem, c.f. Briquet no. 6221 (fol. 131)

B Parchment

Physical Description: iii modern paper flyleaves + 135 folios (foliated 1 – 131, 1 – 4) + iii modern paper flyleaves

A 290 x 210 -220 (212 – 220 x 138 – 152) mm, 33 – 37 long lines, ruled in ?plummet, catchwords, quire signatures (first part of quire)

B 288 x 212 (206 x 115; 206 x 157 with gloss column) mm, 2 columns, 55 lines, ruled in plummet, running headers

Rubric: A N / A

B Incipit liber tercius de vita

Incipit: A N / A

B ut laici secut

2o folio: A humane superbie

B habentibus qui quando

Explicit: A universus Deus. vivit et regnat in secula seculorum. Amen.


Contents: A fols. 1r – 130v, Repertorium of topics treated in the Bible (starts imperfectly)

B fols. 1r – 4v, Opening section of Third Book of Decretals (ends imperfectly)

Script: A Gothic bookhand (hybrida)

B Gothic bookhand (textualis)

Decoration: A Brown penwork initials [3 l.] with minor geometric and foliate flourishing; brown ink drawing (crescent ermine, Maltese cross above, on dark ground) in lower part of fol. 130v

B Display script [4 l.] in alternate red with blue pen-flourishing and blue with red pen-flourishing for incipit, fol. 1r; red penwork initials [1 – ca. 3 l.] for text divisions; red penwork linefillers

Provenance: Drawing on fol. 130v Bateman’s arms; possibly one of the MSS given to Trinity Hall by the founder
Binding: 20th c., native-dyed goatskin over paste boards, white endbands (previous 19th c. binding kept with MS); wear and staining on fols. 128, 130, 131 suggest book originally chained
Notes: Both watermarks very similar to ones identified by Briquet from 14th cent. France. Erased inscription, fol. 1r. Fol. 129 now a stub.
Bibliography: M. R. James, Catalogue of Manuscripts in Trinity Hall (Cambridge, 1907), 9-10

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