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01 Jan 2024

255) f. 90. Lacteur (the author) in a long robe: a tree on L., clouds above.

259) A walled garden and castle, within it are fruit-trees, and the lover and lady (the Chatelaine de Vergy) embrace: a small dog looks on.

260) f. 90 b. The Duchess of Burgundy seated: the lover kneels to her.

261) The Duke and Duchess in bed, she weeps.

262) f. 91. The Duke of Burgundy seated, the lover kneels.

263) f. 92. Castle and garden, the Chatelaine and lover embrace, the Duke in a tree watches.

264) f. 93. The Duke and the lover together (reconciled): trees and birds.

265)  In a house, Duke and lover at table, embracing: the Duchess leaves the room weeping.

266) f. 93 b. In a house, the Duchess in bed, the Duke stands (laughing?).

267) (In a house) the Duke and Duchess in bed.

268)   f. 94 b. (In a house) the Duchess leads the Chatelaine and two other ladies. She taunts the Chatelaine about her lover.

269) In a house: above, the Chatelaine lies dead in bed (of grief): below, five men and two ladies.

270) f. 95 b. In a house: above, the lover by the corpse of the Chatelaine stabs himself: below, two men and two ladies (dance) holding a long string.

271) f. 96. In a house: above, the Duke and Duchess by the bed with the two corpses: below, the Duke slays the Duchess in the midst of a group of men and women.

272) A church. In it in front two coffins, one with two bodies, the other with one : above, a priest in almuce with cross, asperge and book on R. A man in mourning, the Duke, and others.

273) f. 96 b. The author? in peaked hat: scroll inscribed (later) celer vault moult.

274) f. 97. Full-page. La natiuite nostre dame sainte marie. In a house, in front a woman by a tub, S. Anne in bed holds the Virgin crowned: three nimbed women: a servant with flagon and bowl.

275) f. 97 b. Canopies. Ysaias in cap, scroll Forte est vinum.

276)                Ieremias                     Fortis est rex.

277) f. 98.      David crowned         Forciores sunt mulieres.

278)                Moises horned         Super omnia vincit veritas.

279) f. 98 b. A rich arcaded building: above, God the Father in tiara throned surrounded by cherubs. Scrolls, Comentlepere begnement(?) 0troie au filz lon proiement. At His knees an angel on either side kneels. Scrolls R., Coment les angres sont lies (L.) Du liau domme qui est deliez. At bottom on L. the Virgin crowned holds her breast. Scroll, Come la vierge mere m’ode (monde?) prie son filz pour tout le monde. Under her cloak kneels St Bernard. Scroll, Monstra le esse matrem sumat per te preces. In the centre an angel kneels holding lance and two scourges, above his head the Dove. Scroll, Ly saint espritest ennoiez pour rade ch. lez desuoiez. On R. Christ on the cross, one arm detached and pointing to His side. Coment le filz a dieu le pere pour le monde fait la priere.

280) f. 99. Coronation of the Virgin. A walled edifice with gate. Four steps lead to it, the lowest humilite, then charite, oroison, perseverance. In the door is an angel with red face and sword. Within, 6 angels, 3 on either side of the door, playing musical instruments. Above, a great throne, two pinnacles at each end, a bird on each. On the throne the Virgin crowned by an angel, and the Son with crown and orb. Behind them two angels hold up a spotted cloth, and a third nails it to a pinnacle.

© N.J.R. James