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07 Feb 2018


1. Description by M.R. James

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? Haenel 12.

Vellum, 113/4 x 8-81/2, ff. 6o, double columns of 62 lines. Cent. xiii

late, in a neat small hand.                                     2 fo. non est mea.

On f. I (xvi):

Sub : de : Ro: Le : Le : (?). J. h.


I8 28 38 (wants 1, 2) 48 58 610 (8 canc.) 76 88 (wants 8).

Contents :

Inc. Breton liber primus de Juribus Anglie  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f. I

Cum a iusticia quasi a quadam fonte omnia iura emanant videamus quid sit iusticia.

Lib. ii, f. 8. Lib. iii, f. ii. Lib. iv, f. 12 b. Lib. v, f. 22. Lib. vi, f. 3o. Lib. vii, f. 42.

No other books are marked.

Ends imperfectly f. 6o b in a section beginning

Dilatorie autem sunt exceptiones.

© N.J.R. James


2. Supplementary Description

Author: Henry de Bracton (d. 1268)
Language: Latin
Origin: England
Date: 13th c., ca. 1275 – 1300
Material: Parchment
Physical Description: ii modern parchment flyleaves + 60 folios + ii modern parchment flyleaves, 290 x 205 (228 – 238 x 149) mm, 2 columns, 56 – 58 lines, ruled in crayon, catchwords, quire signatures, (start of quire) running headers, leaves lost between fols. 16 – 17, after fol. 60
Rubric: Breton (sic) liber primus incipit de Juribus Anglie
Incipit: [C]um a justice quasi a quadam fonte omnia jura emanant videamus quid sit justica
2o folio: non est mea
Explicit: N/A (ends imperfectly)
Contents: Fols. 1r – 60v, De legibus et consuetudinibus Angliae (ends imperfectly)
Script: Gothic bookhand (cursive)
Decoration: Ornamental initials [2 l.] in alternate red with blue pen-flourishing and blue with red pen-flourishing for sub-divisions of text, fols. 49v – 50r; red penwork initials [2 l.] for sub-divisions of text in remainder of MS; red penwork paragraph marks [1 l.] for minor text divisions
Provenance: ‘Sub: de: Re : Le : Le:’, ‘J.H.’ below, 16th c. (fol. 1r); possibly Haenel no. 12
Binding: 20th c., native-dyed skin over bevelled wooden boards, white endbands
Notes: Space left for 4 l. decorated initials for Books (main divisions of text). MS very worn. Numerous contemporary marginal notes, some in hand of main scribe.
Bibliography: M. R. James, Catalogue of Manuscripts in Trinity Hall (Cambridge, 1907), 10; J. H. Baker, A Catalogue of English Legal Manuscripts in Cambridge University Library (Woodbridge, 1996), 68 no. 106

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