17 March 2025, 18:00 – 19:30

Journalism Careers Panel with Q&A

Side-on view of pages of a newspaper
  • LocationLecture Theatre, Trinity Hall
  • CostFree of charge
  • Booking closing dateMonday, 17 March 2025 12:00pm
  • Event typePanel discussion with Q&A

To mark the first Trinity Hall Student Journalism prize and celebrate the winners we are delighted to invite you to this Careers Panel with Q&A.

Join us for an exclusive opportunity to hear from the judges of the Prize—all established journalists (and Trinity Hall alumni)—about how they forged their careers, their advice for aspiring journalists and why, despite the challenges, good journalism is more important than ever.

This thought-provoking discussion will be followed by a drinks reception, where you will have the chance to network with the panellists and fellow attendees.


17:45-18:00 Arrive and take your seats

18:00-19:00 Panel Discussion with Q&A in the Lecture Theatre

19:00-19:30 Drinks and networking in the Terrace Room

Mary Hockaday

Mary Hockaday

Mary Hockaday (1981) read English at Trinity Hall and took an MA in Journalism at New York University on a Fulbright Scholarship.

Mary Hockaday was formerly Controller BBC World Service English, responsible for the BBC World Service’s international radio and digital services, and growing the weekly audience to nearly 100 million. From 2009-2014 she was Head of the BBC Newsroom, overseeing the BBC’s core news services on radio, television and online for domestic and global audiences and leading innovation in digital and visual journalism. Mary was Editor of BBC World Service News and Current Affairs from 2001 to 2006. WSNCA won a Special Sony Gold award in recognition of its 9/11 coverage.

In the early 1990s Mary was based in Prague as correspondent for the BBC and The Independent, covering post-communist Czechoslovakia. She is author of a biography of Milena Jesenska, 20th Century Czech journalist and muse of Franz Kafka.

Mary serves on the board of the British Library, is a Lay Trustee with the Royal College of Emergency Medicine, is an Independent Non-executive Director with the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales and a Board Member with a small social enterprise, Climate Alliance. She is a former external examiner for Cardiff University’s School of Journalism.


Jamie Coomarasamy (1986)

Presenter of The World Tonight and Newshour on the BBC and former BBC Russia Correspondent.


Andrew Baker (1982)

Writer and Editor at The Telegraph.


Datshiane Navanayagam (2006)

Investigative reporter and broadcaster, reporting and presenting for the BBC, ITV and Channel 4.

Booking and cost

There is no charge to attend, however, booking is required.

Please note that the booking deadline is 12pm on Monday 17 March.


We like to take photographs at our alumni events to use in our digital and print communications. If you do not wish to have your photo taken, please let us know in advance or on the day.


The Lecture Theatre, Trinity Hall, Trinity Lane, Cambridge, CB2 1TJ.

Please visit the Porters’ Lodge on arrival where they will direct you to the venue.


Please let us know as soon as possible if you find you are no longer able to attend, as we have limited capacity for this event. Please email the office or call +44 (0)1223 332555 at the earliest opportunity.


If you have any queries, please contact Rebecca Horner on developmentevents@trinhall.cam.ac.uk or call +44 (0)1223 763010. If you have any questions about events in general, please see our event FAQs.