
Catching up and staying motivated

Catching up and Staying Motivated

Snow-coverd grass in front of Jerwood Library and large berch tree.

The Holiday Season Winter 2024

Darker days and longer evenings

Students eating in the Dining Hall

The student view: settling in and socialising

DJ at a party with decks and party lights

Wellbeing Blog: Having fun and staying safe!

Mental Health Awareness Week ‘Movement’: Moving more for our mental health

Stock image of person holding a pencil over a notebook

Preparing for Exams

Managing your work-life balance

Two hands holding each other with the sunset in the background to illustrate a blog about relationships

Wellbeing blog: Celebrating Relationships

How to catch up if you need to and maintaining motivation

Speech bubbles to illustrate our wellbeing blog on Time to Talk Day

Wellbeing blog: Time to Talk and Friendly February

Wellbeing post illustration showing cosy socks and hot drinks

Keeping well this winter

Happiness image showing an illustration of three people marching while playing a trumpet and drums and holding a banner.

Happier January – let’s start the new year with happiness in mind

Managing the Holiday Season

Black background with blurred Christmas lights in the foreground

Keeping Safe in Winter

Green shooting leaves with the sun shining on them

Wellbeing blog: light, acts of kindness & plants

Piles of coins and a magnifying glass

Wellbeing Blog: Money

"Stress" written in pencil being erased

Wellbeing blog: Managing Stress