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Statement from Trinity Hall

A-level joy for those coming to Trinity Hall in 2021

How defining this crisis in traditional terms could lead to the old normal, but worse

Celebrating pioneering social entrepreneurs with £10,000 Cambridge prize

Chronic illness has been neglected for too long

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A return to in person graduations for our students

Alumni Officer celebrates 20th anniversary at Trinity Hall

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Staff Fellow awarded lectureship for “exceptional ability” in her field

Captain of the oldest Football Club in the world

New £100 million bursary scheme to support students experiencing financial pressures

Trinity Hall members honoured by the Queen

Wellbeing on demand

New Trinity Hall album released

New Head of Housekeeping reflects on almost 20 years at Trinity Hall

Stephen Hawking’s Office and Archive saved for the nation

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Trinity Hall fresher in lightweight rowing clash with Oxford

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Fellow highly commended in student awards

The power of nature: Mental Health Awareness Week