Keep warm during the day. Wrap up in lots of layers of thin clothes so that you can adjust to the temperature of different environments.
Keep moving. Move around indoors and avoid sitting still for more than one hour at a time. Maybe check out the free University of Cambridge Sport activities on Give it a Go!
Get outside. Whilst it might be cold, getting outside and increasing our exposure to daylight has many positive benefits. Take a look at our November 2023 blog for tips on Getting more sunlight!
Wrap up at night. Wear layers to bed, including socks. Use a hot water bottle or microwaveable ‘hottie’.
Eat well. Make sure that you eat a balanced diet with lots of seasonal fruits and vegetables. And try to eat at least one hot meal a day.
Stay hydrated. Regular meals and drinks can help to keep warm.
Stop the spread of germs. Protect yourself and others by washing your hands with warm, soapy water, covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze and keep a ready supply of tissues which can be disposed of after use.
Get your vaccines and boosters. Check that you’re up to date with your GP practice or speak to the College Nurse (Jo Rhodes). For International students, the University has prepared an information letter, which you can take to your GP practice, to access certain vaccines Vaccination information August 2023
Look after your mental health. The winter months can take a toll on our mental wellbeing, so make sure you’re looking after your mental health as well as your physical health. If you are feeling down, speak to someone – a friend, family member, Tutor, the Wellbeing Team, or a healthcare professional like your doctor. You might also want to consider activities that can lift your mood such as those suggested in the Action for Happiness calendar.
For advice or support on any of these issues you can contact the Wellbeing Team: