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Trinity Hall
06 Dec 2023

For those who weren’t able to make it to the exhibition last week, here’s a quick run-down of the archival items that were on display.

First out of the gate was the Exemplar Statutorum, better known as the foundation statutes. The statutes were sealed at Terling in Essex on 1 June 1352, and outline Bateman’s ambitious plan for his new foundation. He stipulated that there were to be a Master, 20 fellows, and some scholars, which was more than any other college in Cambridge at the time. However, when he died suddenly in 1355, he left the College with only a master, 3 fellows, and 3 scholars. It wasn’t until 1952, 602 years later, that his vision was finally realized. More information about the statutes (including some of the fun original rules!) and the early history of the College can be found on the Old Library Blog.