Keep in Touch
Upon matriculation, you become a life member of Trinity Hall. You are always welcome to visit the College and we hope our events, digital communications and publications will help keep you up to date with the latest College news and information.
You can quickly and easily update your contact details and communications preferences online.

LinkHall is our exclusive online community for Trinity Hall members. You can update your professional details, connect with other members, and post or find career opportunities.

Trinity Hall Reps
The Alumni & Development Office are assisted in their work by alumni acting as representatives either of their year group or their region.
The year rep scheme was set up in 1995. Traditionally one or two alumni act as undergraduate representatives for their year group. We also have postgraduate reps who may cover more than one year. Year reps are selected from the graduating year.
Representatives and volunteers are invited to a volunteers event in College. This event is designed to be a session which updates volunteers on the latest College and University news, and also allows for interactive discussion among all alumni interested in helping the College.