Intern with OHCHR (UN), Geneva
2019 volunteer
Emma McAuliffe (2015, Modern & Medieval Languages)
Since graduating at the end of June I have been undertaking an internship at the United Nations, working for the Human Rights Council and Treaty Mechanisms Division at the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva.
Over the last two months I have enjoyed engaging in a variety of human rights related matters, researching pressing issues ranging from climate change to the current crisis in Kashmir. Working on the media coverage of the Advisory Committee, a statistical report analysing the workings of the Human Rights Council, and liaising with Geneva based NGOs are just some of the exciting tasks that I was given in my first few weeks of arriving, providing a fascinating insight into the behind-the-scenes work of the UN.
All of this was done alongside extensive preparation for the 42nd Session of the Human Rights Council, which will last from 9th to 27th September. The long and exhausting hours assisting at the Council have undoubtedly been worth it. My work with the resolutions team has been a particular highlight, allowing me to better understand all the preparation, discussion and analysis that goes into every decision made by the Council, as well as giving me the chance to meet members of delegations and representatives of different States.
Overall my time here in Geneva has been incredibly valuable. It has confirmed my desire to work in the Human Rights field, helped developed my language and research skills, and introduced me to some amazing people. I am extremely thankful to the Trinity Hall Association Committee for their generous support, without which this experience would not have been possible.