PREVENT is part of the government’s strategy for managing all forms of terrorism and non-violent extremism, the latter defined as activities which can create an atmosphere conducive to terrorism and/or can popularise views which terrorists then exploit.

PREVENT relates specifically to strategies and policies which prevent people becoming terrorists or otherwise supporting terrorism, as well as intervening to stop people moving into terrorist-related activity. Under the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act (2015), and working through HEFCE as the sector PREVENT authority, Trinity Hall (‘the College’) is legally obliged, with the University of Cambridge, to adopt policies and procedures to monitor, inhibit and avoid all activities which fall under the terms of the Act.

Following its responsibilities under PREVENT, the College has adopted a statement on Freedom of Speech. All bookings of rooms in College for whatever purpose, whether made by students or staff of the College, or by people external to the College (via the Conference and Catering Office), are required to conform to the College’s PREVENT requirements, including the statement on Freedom of Speech.

In addition, any student or staff member representing Trinity Hall at events either inside or outside the College, or participating in events outside Trinity Hall at which the College’s name is publicized, or the College’s public profile is represented, should recognize that there may be a risk of reputational damage to the College. Students and staff are reminded that they must act in accordance with all University regulations; within the law; with respect for the dignity and rights of others, irrespective of their background; with regard to the health and safety of others; and with regard to the College’s good reputation and with honesty, and should be aware that disciplinary action may be taken against any students or staff who contravene these principles.