When you matriculate, you become a life member of Trinity Hall. You are always welcome to visit College and we hope our events, emails, publications and networks will help keep you up to date with the latest College news and information.
Alumni Events

Trinity Hall publishes a range of printed publications and e-newsletters for alumni.
Front Court is our twice-yearly magazine featuring topical articles, alumni articles and news from College. Trinity Hall Review reflects on a year in the life of the Trinity Hall community, with reports from students and senior College Officers, and news from alumni.

Alumni Benefits
As alumni of Trinity Hall, you are entitled to a range of benefits. You can book accommodation in College, dine at High Table, connect with alumni and students, use College punts and sports facilities, and visit College at anytime. You also have a variety of benefits from the University.
Any member of Trinity Hall who has fulfilled the appropriate examinations and residence requirements may proceed at Congregation. The conferment of each degree is an act of the whole University, approved by the “Grace of the Regent House”, that is by a resolution of the governing body. Graduands are presented one by one to the Vice-Chancellor of the University, or a deputy, in the presence of the Proctors who are the elected representatives of the Regent House. Those unable to receive their degree in person can proceed in absentia (in absence) when their name will be read out and the certificate sent on after the ceremony.
Ordering degree certificates and transcripts
All students will be issued one free copy of their degree certificate upon graduation. One free copy of your academic transcript will also be posted to you within four weeks following congregation.
Additional or replacement copies can be ordered through the University’s online store.
Alumni and Development data protection
We are committed to protecting your personal data. The law relating to data protection changed in May 2018 and Trinity Hall, along with the other Cambridge colleges, worked closely with the University of Cambridge to ensure we comply fully with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). As part of this process we updated our Data Protection Statement, which explains how we look after, process and use your data, and the legal basis on which we do so.
Read the Trinity Hall Alumni and Development data protection statement
Alumni code of conduct
We greatly value alumni being part of the College community and we welcome alumni back to College. We are sure you understand that we ask our alumni and their guests to demonstrate the same standards of behaviour that we ask of all other members of our community when on College property or at College events; behaviour appropriate to a small community of students, Fellows, staff and alumni and their guests. We reserve the right to ask alumni and/or their guests to leave events, to refuse bookings and withdraw alumni benefits in the event of an alumnus failing to demonstrate and uphold those standards. Alumni benefits include but are not limited to dining privileges, access to the online community, staying in College guests rooms and use of College facilities.
Any complaints about alumni behaviour should be made in writing to the Senior Tutor in the first instance.